Man in the Fields - The Movie


man in the fields

  • Horror
  • Running time:
  • Year: 2023 
  • Cast: Isacco Salvi, Martina Capaccioli, Marco Cevoli, Arianna Panieri, Sofia Pieroni, MarcelloCastiglioni, Toni Pandolfo
  • Director: Samuele Breschi
  • Writer: Samuele Breschi

David, an introverted boy from the suburbs, finds dead bodies and pages of an ancient ritual in an old abandoned farmhouse.

A few days later, during a party, David decides to propose performing the ritual to his group of friends . During the ritual, however, something goes terribly wrong and David ends up the victim of a curse that will awaken an ancient evil, catapulting him and his friends into a spiral of blood and death, that will transform their lives into a nightmare.


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